Great truth is found in Don Miguel Ruiz's books. I can honestly say I'm a happier person because of them. One of my favorite books
The Four Agreements
"Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering."
Everyone is a universe, no universe is like mine. I learned to detach myself from situations I had no control over. People's behaviors that didn't reflect my personality or what I stand for would create an illusion in which I was the only one with something worthy to say. Reflecting back on my feelings and coming across this book at the perfect time made me realize that everyone has divine timing encoded in their DNA, and focusing on how fast someone else could find their way was draining my energy. Life has a way of bringing into our lives clues that could help our current situation, we just have to look & listen; be present in all you do, our actions lay the tracks to our future. I still care dearly for the opinion of those closest to me and I listen, but I know their world will never be the beautiful dream that is mine.

Toltec knowledge arises from the same essential unity of truth as all the sacred esoteric traditions around the world. Though it is not a religion, it honors all the spiritual masters who have taught on the earth. Though it does embrace spirit, it is most accurately described as a way of life. Unlike our familiar experience, this way of life is distinguished by the ready accessibility of happiness and love.
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